The Elitist

November 3, 2008

Brave New World for Twinkies

Filed under: Al Qaeda, False Advertising, Financial Crisis, Iraq War, Terrorism — The Elitist @ 2:14 pm

The new Greatest Depression is causing cutbacks for everyone, including Twinkies. The super-food has been forced to cut back its calories so that East Coast liberals can eat them too. This is just another opportunity to show rehash some old false advertising.

CNN – Twinkies Slimmed

October 22, 2008

Terrorists for McCain

Filed under: Al Qaeda, Barack Obama, John McCain, Presidential Election 2008, Terrorism — The Elitist @ 10:52 am

Al-Qaeda is apparently overjoyed by the crashing economy here in the grand ol’ US of A. They’re even taking credit for it. They must have been trading mortgage securities with Fannie Mae or something. Who knew they were so diabolical?

Anyway, with all the endorsements rolling in for Obama (Powell, Washington Post, etc), it was about time McCain got someone on his side. Now it’s official – Al Qaeda endorses John McCain for president. They believe McCain would continue the “failing march of his predecessor,” President Bush. It’s a little disturbing that after seven years, Al Qaeda is still out there, but at least their actions are pretty much limited to blog postings.

McCain should either embrace this endorsement or live up to his word and “follow bin Laden to the gates of hell.” The Elitist suggests the latter. John McCain – go to hell.

Wash Post – Al Qaeda Still Jerk Offs

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