The Elitist

November 7, 2008

Putin on the Ritz

Filed under: Dmitri Medvedev, Russia, Sarah Palin, Vladimir Putin — The Elitist @ 3:24 pm

Russian “President” Dmitri Medvedev gave a stirring state of the nation address, but we like the part about extending the presidential terms to six years, from four. Rumors are that this will pave the way for Prime Minister, and Russian overlord, Vladimir Putin to make a third term last longer. They say Medvedev has been put in power by Putin in order to pass some constitutional changes that would give Putin more power when he returned to the presidency. So it looks like Putin isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. We’ll just have to hope Sarah Palin is keeping a good eye on them.

NY Times – Putin Keeps Going

October 1, 2008

Breaking News: Czar Murdered for Political Reasons

Filed under: Russia, Vladimir Putin — The Elitist @ 10:29 am

Stop the presses! According to the Supreme Court of Russia, Czar Nicholas II and his family were executed for political reasons when the Bolsheviks dragged them into a basement and shot by firing squad in 1918. Until now, this was considered a murder that had no political motivation. Bolsheviks killing the Czar as they took over power in a bloody coup…nope. No political motivation there.

The Romanovs have already been declared saints by the Russian Orthodox Church. In all the fervor, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accepted the titles of saint, and Czar of Russia.

While the Russians are going crazy for their Czars, the Georgians are ironically excited about Stalin. Remember Stalin, the brutal tyrant who killed literally tens of millions of his own people, not to mention the terror he inflicted on others outside his country? Yeah, he was Georgian so, how can you not love him?

NY Times – Dead Czar was Murdered

NY Times – Georgians ♥ Stalin

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