The Elitist

October 2, 2008

Baby Drop-Off Abused, Nobody Shocked

Filed under: Nebraska, Random — The Elitist @ 4:01 pm

Medieval churches in Rome used to have special slots in the walls so that mothers who could not care for their new babies could leave them to be raised by the church. Today, a similar program exists in Omaha, Nebraska. Only they never bothered to put an age limit on the law. So now, people are coming in with their children and dropping them off. Some as old as 15. One guy came and dropped 9 of his ten children off at the hospital. It would be hilarious if it weren’t true. However, now we can tell our own children that if they misbehave, we’ll drop them off at the hospital. That should get them to shut their mouths.

NY Times – Indefinite Time Out

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